Harris M. Gignilliat

Senior Institutional Consultant
Senior Retirement Plan Consultant
UBS Financial Services - Wile Consulting Group

Harris Gignilliat has 19 years of experience advising businesses and institutions. He specializes in the complexities of trusteed assets and provides sophisticated advice for fiduciaries. Mr. Gignilliat helps institutional clients design, implement and monitor their retirement programs. With the backing of UBS and his team, he combines global insights with an open architectural mix of managers and funds. Retirement plan consulting isn’t just a business but a cause for him as he takes great pride in educating plan committees and employees.

In addition to his team being named a Top 100 Retirement Plan Adviser (2012-2017), Harris has been named a Forbes Top Wealth Advisor (2019), NAPA Top Retirement Plan Advisor Under 40 (2017), Financial Times Top 401 Retirement Plan Advisor (2016 - 2018), Barron’s Top Institutional Consultant (2015 - 2018), and a Barron’s Top 1,200 Financial Advisor (2015).

Atlanta, GA

Client Plans: 200
Participants: 100,000


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