Nathan C. Fisher

Fisher Investments 401(K) SOLUTIONS,
Senior Executive Vice President

Nathan Fisher is a staunch advocate for small to medium-sized businesses. He meets with business owners and managers across the country to help them start, evaluate and optimize their 401(k) plans in order to improve the retirement readiness of both owners and employees. He enjoys educating plan sponsors and is authorized to present FEDC (Fiduciary Essentials for Defined Contribution Plans) and is an Adjunct Lecturer for The Plan Sponsor University (TPSU).

Nathan earned an M.B.A. in Business Administration from UCLA. He has a dozen years of experience with employer sponsored retirement plans, including five years as a retirement plan advisor. He has become a sought-after expert in the field of 401(k) plan structure, sponsor compliance and administration. His frequent lectures and published articles are focused on coaching business owners and human resource professionals on innovative ways to administer their 401(k) and other employer-sponsored plans. His written work has been featured in a wide variety of industry publications and blogs including, Construction Today, and Employee Benefit Advisor.
San Mateo, CA

Client Plans: 349
Participants: 11,000

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