Ron York

Senior Consultant
Pinnacle Pension Consultants

Ron York is a Senior Consultant and investment advisor representative with Pinnacle Pension Consultants, LLC. Prior to joining Pinnacle Pension in 2004, Mr. York spent over 14 years in the investment and retirement industry working for Scudder, Stevens & Clark and Diversified Investment Advisors/Transamerica. Ron primarily consults with mid- and large-size companies on their retirement plan benefits and investments. This includes 401(k), 403(b), defined benefit and non-qualified executive compensation plans. Relevant services focus on include investment selection/monitoring, participant communication and education, plan fees, fiduciary responsibility, plan design and plan administration. In total, Ron has over 27 years experience as an investment and retirement plan professional. Ron holds a B.A. in Economics from Pennsylvania State University and holds FINRA Series 6, 63, and 65 examinations. Ron has been named by 401k Wire as One of TOP 300 Most Influential Advisors in Defined Contribution.
(617) 794-6696
Needham, MA
Client Plans: 65
Participants: 22,000

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