East Windsor, CT – November 9, 2023 - The Retirement Advisor Council Elects Board Members Kelly Famiglietta and Amy Glynn.
The members of the Retirement Advisor Council have elected Kelly Famiglietta AIF®, C(k)P®, CPFA®, CFP® Partner at Charles Stephen and Company, Inc. as Board Member representing the Advisor College and Amy Glynn, Managing Partner and Chief Financial Wellness Officer at Viking Cove Institute as Board Member representing the Practice Leader College to its Board.
The Board provides leadership for all Council activities and oversight to Executive Director Eric Henon. The five-member Board includes representatives of each segment of the membership: advisors (2 seats), practice leaders, service providers and investment managers..
Kelly Famiglietta is pleased to be continuing her association with the Retirement Advisor Council in this role. She acknowledges the rapid change in the industry over the past few years and the impact of that change on advisors, plan sponsors and retirement plan participants. “Throughout my career I’ve learned so much from my colleagues on the Retirement Advisor Council and look forward to contributing more to the ongoing discussion on best practices and the challenges confronting our industry. The pandemic profoundly impacted the very nature of work in the United States, and by extension relationships between employers and employees. I’d like to be at the forefront of our industry’s discussions of how qualified plans can adapt to this new dynamic and continue to add value for both participants and plan sponsors.”
Amy Glynn believes we are at a pivotal time in the industry. “Transformation is the name of the game and has been for the past couple of years. Financial Wellness, Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, augmented reality, SECURE 2.0 all are contributing to changing the face of financial services. Add to that the expansion and contraction of products, services and even providers, makes this an important time for advisors, plan sponsor and ultimately plan participants. RAC’s membership is diverse and engaged. We are positioned to help retirement plan consultants expand their practices, scope, and reach while adding value and enhancing participant outcomes. It will be my privilege to lead the committee and to discuss and reveal best practices and opportunities in this dynamic time.”
About The Retirement Advisor Council
Formed in 2009, the Retirement Advisor Council is a national organization that advocates for successful qualified plan and participant retirement outcomes through the collaborative efforts of experienced, qualified retirement plan advisors, investment managers and defined contribution plan service providers. To advance its mission, the Council undertakes initiatives in the areas of research, public relations and promotion, general public education, regulatory positions, and practice management. The Council accomplishes this mission by:
- Identifying duties, responsibilities, and attributes of the Professional Retirement Plan Advisor.
- Sharing professional standards with plan sponsors who are responsible for the success of their plans.
- Providing collective thought capital to decision makers, product providers, legislators, and the public.
- Giving voice to the retirement plan advisor community
- Offering tools to evaluate advisors to ensure the quality of services provided.
Find out more about the Retirement Advisor Council at www.retirementadavisor.us
Retirement Advisor Council is a brand of EACH Enterprise, LLC.