Michael Devlin

BCG Terminal Funding Company

Mr. Devlin is a Principal for BCG Terminal Funding Company and has supported the retirement planning industry for 17 years as a third party advisor.  BCG Terminal Funding Company is one of the largest terminal funding consulting/placement firms in the nation, with over 100 years combined experience and regional offices coast-to-coast.  BCG Terminal Funding Company specializes in SPGA buyout contract placements and is noted for providing DOL/fiduciary due diligence, annuity provider selection support services, participant education seminars and post-placement services within the terminal and maturity funding business market.  Mr. Devlin is widely regarded for his comprehensive perspective as a third party advisor in the defined benefit plans market, his expertise in pension risk transfer, and his ability to effectively guide clients through the plan termination process.

(781) 356-2299
Braintree, MA

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